Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God's brother

Dentist appointment this morning--excellent report! Dennis has perfect teeth with no cavities, soft spots, or other problems. We lunched with Ellen afterward at a McDonald's with a HUGE indoor playplace. Tonight was the first night of our Awana program at church. When we went to pick him up, David and I stood outside the door and listened to the class reciting their verse "God...loved us and sent his son... (1 John 4:10)". We heard one kid yelling "no, He sent His brother!". They said it again and again, and each time the one kid replaced 'son' with 'brother' and would not be corrected. We laughed with the other parents until we heard one more yell of "no, HIS BROTHER!" and then realized whose little voice we heard doing that shouting. We looked at each other and then at the other parents and said "that sounds an awful lot like our kid". When we got out to the car and asked him what verse he learned, he said "God loved us and sent his brother". Yep. It was Dennis. As it turns out, he can say it correctly and even give the book and verse. Maybe he'll say it right next week for his teachers!

I actually loved being with the 5th and 6th grade girls. They were so eager to memorize and recite their verses, and they were so well behaved when split off from the boys. This is going to be a great program, just like (as a fellow teacher put it) having vacation bible school every week!

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