Sunday, July 18, 2010

there's an app for that

I talk about my iPhone too much. I am amazed that something so small can do so much, and I LOVE all the apps I've acquired that teach useful things to Dennis. That's not what this post is about, though. I saw a YouTube video about dueling Talking Carls, and I had to see what it was about. The program features a cute red creature that repeats everything you say but in a higher-pitched voice, so this video on YouTube showed what happens when you put two iPhones running Talking Carl side-by-side and get them talking to each other. Each time, the pitch gets higher, so they are basically just screaming at each other over and over. I thought it was hilarious, and I downloaded Talking Carl. Dennis LOVES him. He got all the way through the grocery store carrying on a conversation with the thing, and he got louder and funnier as we progressed through the store. He and 'Carl' were singing the alphabet song and Twinkle Twinkle, and you could have just smiled yourself to pieces from all the cuteness.

Another favorite iPhone feature? The iPod that contains a playlist of all of Dennis' classical music that he listened to as a baby. When he's fighting a nap, I play it (the iPhone has a speaker whereas my old iPod did not) and he zonks right out. Magic. Every parent should have one. Or two, if they ever want to use it themselves.

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