Sunday, July 25, 2010

home time improvement

Yesterday I was flat out depressed and basically couldn't function, but today I am happy to report that things are looking up. I thought I was past those dark days of my younger years, but sometimes things still pile up on me and I don't know how to handle it. It sure is hard to be a parent at those times, but Dennis knew I was sad and was pretty easy on me. He took a very long nap and then said he wanted to play in his room. Just what I needed! He periodically yesterday and today came out of his room to come and say "I'm just here to snuggle with you for two minutes, and then I have to go back and play". I don't know where the two minutes came from, but I appreciate his cuddling and hugs.

So we stayed home today. I had wanted to go to church this morning, but I still wasn't back to myself. And I discovered something. Dennis was SO good today. I think he needed time at home by himself! With our trip to Florida and then days spent shopping for hours with Gran, he didn't get his playtime in. He has been so pleasant and happy and there have been much fewer tantrums! We might just stay home tomorrow too, if that's what he wants. I have noticed that all three of us have begun coughing more and more, so we must be relapsing with whatever that bronchial stuff that we were all dealing with before. Yuck. Dennis spent a good bit of today in his bed, watching Mighty Machines or having me read to him. I guess a return to a slower pace for a few days was just what we needed, and maybe it'll help us get well again!

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