Tuesday, May 4, 2010

too pitiful

I thought he was feeling much better today, but things kind of went downhill for him tonight. He clearly doesn't feel too well. He didn't get a very long nap and this compounded the problem that started when he didn't go to sleep until after midnight last night. His attention span is less than that of a gnat, the way it always is when he's this tired. He begged me to let him eat his supper while sitting on the couch under a quilt and watching Caillou, and I let him. I set up a TV tray for him and when I put his supper on it, he took a bite and said "thank you, Mommy, for this supper". I just melted, of course. How sweet he is. I can't stand looking at his red eyes and listening to his awful cough. He's been so bad today, so distracted and unable to focus, so busy getting into things that we've just told him not to touch. He's fallen off the bed (because he was climbing and jumping), off a stack of boards that he was walking on, backward on the couch to hit his head on the wood frame (because he was jumping just after we told him to STOP), backward off the side of the couch and onto the floor (climbing)... He didn't have any bad falls, thank goodness, but he was just so accident prone today and I can probably attribute some of that to his balance being affected by the ear infection. The rest is due to mischief, and the amount of mischief is based on the level of exhaustion, which is extremely high. Poor little guy. He fell asleep at 8 tonight, 10 seconds after he told me he wasn't ready for bed.

The pictures are from earlier, when he was feeling pretty good. What says summertime is approaching better than eating popsicles on the screened porch at the lake house? We also enjoyed a walk, tossing rocks into a stream, and a golf cart ride where he helped me take trash to the dumpster. He was cuddly and pitiful for much of the day. Gosh I hope he feels better tomorrow, that the antibiotic will work quickly and effectively...

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