Sunday, July 17, 2011

talking circles around me

Tonight we discussed where we were going to stop for supper. I wanted Chinese, but Dennis wanted to discuss all his options. First Wendy's, then Burger King, then Whataburger, and then he announced "Mommy, you made up my day" (which he says instead of 'you made my day'). "You made up my mind--I want Mexican, so let's go to the Chinese place!". Sounded logical to me. Once there, he announced to the waitress "my Mommy is a chicken nugget; would you like to eat her?". She left our table promptly (and I don't blame her). Just before we arrived home, we fielded this question from the backseat: "Mommy, is there a baby in your tummy?". Umm, no, and it is apparently a good time to start a new course of Zumba. He asked why I didn't want another kid and I told him he was everything we ever wanted. He said "aww, I love you, Mom. You're the best Mom I've ever had." He gave David the same compliment, and we all had a warm fuzzy family moment.

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