Thursday, June 16, 2011

what was that?

Dennis was wound up like a top for much of today. He didn't take his afternoon nap (for 2 days now), didn't eat much lunch, and thoroughly enjoyed a visit to Peach Park this afternoon for ice cream with Granny. He was tired AND sugared up, never a winning combination. He was so sassy by dinnertime that his first time out resulted in an immediate second punishment (because, in a fit of temper, he slammed his door when he was sent to his room for time out). He is sound asleep now, thank goodness.

It wasn't all bad, of course. He brought me breakfast in bed this morning (because he wanted a Pop Tart and couldn't get the package open and it contained 2). And, as I was spending a rare hour of quiet time holed up in my room with a book while my wonderful husband cooked supper, Dennis excitedly knocked at my door and told me we were having "cheese Goliath with sausage" and that it was ready. What we actually ate: cheesy jambalaya with sausage.

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