Tuesday, June 28, 2011

he licked an ick

Uncle Denny often tells Dennis "if you lick an ick, you'll get sick!". Lately we've been having to constantly remind him to keep his fingers out of his mouth and to STOP LICKING THINGS (yuck). So it should not have come as a surprise when he arrived in our bed at 4:12 AM saying "I'm really cold and my throat hurts." Naturally, neither bottle of ibuprofen could be located at the time (because of course there was fever) and we ended up splitting a pill to give him. I arrived at the pediatrician's office with him as soon as they opened, ready to face another ear infection, but I was wrong. They swabbed his throat ("That lady was CHOKING me!!!!") before we even got to an exam room, and sure enough--strep throat. We left with a prescription for amoxicillin and a 24 hour quarantine notice (sure, doc, and when will you be bringing his medicine by?) and headed to Walmart (where he happily infested the toy section while we waited on his meds). He announced his plans to a woman behind us in line: "After we leave here, I'm going home to lay on the couch and watch TV ALL DAY LONG! That's awesome, isn't it?". He slept a good bit, of course, and I rented 2 movies for him to watch while lying in his bed. This sure came on quick! I brush his hair back from his forehead and kiss that particular spot every night before I go to sleep (but long after he does), and I can attest to the fact that he was not feverish at all at 1:08 AM. I hope (and I pray, dear Lord) that it clears up quickly and spares the rest of us!

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