Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my apprentice

Last night after Dennis' bath, we were ushering him off to bed when he lodged the following complaint: "Mom, you forgot to dry my hair enough. Now it's going to look all crazy in the morning." It looked fine, by the way. Today at lunch he asked David to fix him some chocolate milk, and as he was preparing it, David was muttering about how Dennis would complain if he didn't add enough chocolate syrup to the milk. He (David) swatted me on the behind and said (jokingly) "don't know whose kid he is, being so particular about his chocolate milk." Dennis heard this and said "I believe I would be YOUR kid, Dad." Then Dennis was the one muttering about his silly Dad.

Tonight at bible school, Dennis informed me that he would be the director instead of me. We are having a jungle themed VBS, and each night the children's minister and I have dressed in our safari gear to do the opening and closing programs. Tonight Dennis brought his safari vest and park ranger hat to church and dressed up along with us. He begged for a chance to talk in the microphone, so when it came time to announce today's "take home point", the children's minister let him tell everyone what it was. He spoke clearly into the microphone and said "Jesus is the light of life that we share with others!". He was so proud of himself (as were we). But then he attempted to direct his preschool group wherever they went! Give the kid a uniform and he takes control!

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