Maybe he sensed it in the clouds last night. He kept donning his jacket and asking to go out and play in snow. When we woke up this morning, we had snow! Lots of it coated all the trees and the ground and more was falling. David said he put on his jacket a few times this morning as well, attempting to go out and play in the snow. I had decreed that all of us would stay inside so that we can get over the plague that's keeping us all coughing and snotty. I changed my mind, of course. After all, it's rare to see snow like this in central Alabama, and though he's seen more than his share of the white stuff this winter, I presumed this to be his last opportunity for several months (maybe years). So he and I bundled up. He danced through the entire process, saying "pants!" and "shirt!" and "Dennis' snow boots!" and "hat!" as I got him ready. He couldn't wait. He put on his mittens and when David had to remove them in order to get his hands through his coat sleeves, he panicked. I was hurrying to get myself ready while David re-mittened him and put on his scarf. By this time, Honey was prancing in circles in her eagerness to join us in the snow.
Just as we opened the door to step outside, blizzard conditions ensued. I'm exaggerating a bit, but it was snowing as hard as I've ever seen it snow (and this includes driving through a snowstorm in Vermont and snowshoeing through one in Washington). We pressed onward (or outward) and walked around on the driveway and he pointed out the things to me that were covered in snow ("chair", "swing", and "cars"). Honey ran ahead in a state of dog bliss, churning up snow and bounding into the woods as fast as she could go. We walked out onto the snow-covered grass some, looking at the trees bent under the great weight of the beautiful snow coating their branches. We were getting pelted pretty hard on our faces from the snow and we came back inside pretty soon (Dennis' cheeks were so pink!). He didn't want to come in and cried until I fixed him his very first cup of hot chocolate (well, warm chocolate). He loved it and drank every bit except for the chocolate beard left on his chin after he drained the cup. He also walked around chanting "hot chocolate, hot chocolate" for quite a while.
It was a true snow day. Here in Alabama, no less. I very much enjoyed our cold romp but also enjoyed curling up on the couch and watching the snow fall through our front windows (we have a whole wall of windows). Sure, and spring will be here in 19 days. And in 13 days, I'll be the parent of a 2 year old. Seasons change, time marches on, and I'm doing my best to enjoy every minute.
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