Monday, January 5, 2009

a verbal explosion

I wasn't with Dennis all day because I had a killer migraine and my relief team of Gran and Pop took over for a couple of hours. They said he had a wonderful time at their house and played with every toy in the place. He also learned to propel his ride-on firetruck forward instead of just backward and can now 'drive' it at a significant rate of speed. I'm so proud.

I, too, got to watch his motor skills in action as he coupled and uncoupled his Melissa & Doug wooden block stacker train cars and stacked and unstacked the blocks that go on it. To report a 'just like Mommy' moment--he was having a bit of trouble figuring out how to couple the cars together and he tossed them down and screeched and then asked his Daddy for help. It was a little embarrassing to see myself in those actions!

He learned the following new words today: pear, woof, house, farmer, rug, knock (and learned the action to go with it), and cream (for ice cream, which I shared with him a while ago). That's lots of words for one day and I couldn't believe he just kept on saying new ones. It makes me excited to see what he'll learn tomorrow!

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