Thursday, January 15, 2009

tech troubles and travel

I have had major difficulties yesterday and today trying to get connected to the internet. I don't know what's going on, but my signal strength is not enough to even send an email. I had thought I'd be in high speed paradise tonight, since we're here at the cabin in Gatlinburg and it is supposed to have wi-fi. But it's not working, and so I'm again depending on a weak cell signal to post. I had this same problem at home all day yesterday.

At any rate, we made it here safely and Dennis was a total darling on the way north. He played a few games of peek-a-boo with me in the baby-view mirror and watched a couple of short videos that came with his beloved Fisher Price play sets. He took two short naps. And he was pretty content for the most part, but I did have to find Froggy and his pacifier for him a few times, pass him some "co-coas" and juice, and we had to sing the alphabet song and Old MacDonald a time each. Not bad for being on the road for over eight hours. He was delighted to see that the Christmas lights are still up here in Gatlinburg for Winter Fest.

He can open the door of the cabin and leave. There's no deadbolt and no way to lock it from the inside (it's a keypad lock). We've barricaded the door with chairs. This is a big worry at any time, but especially here since it looks like a bear ate part of the hot tub cover sometime TODAY. I'm scared to go out in the dark and I certainly don't want Dennis wandering around out there with the bears. And though I usually enjoy a hot tub, I can't stop thinking about Dad telling us the bears would think "Hey, soup!" when they saw us in it. Looks like a packed a swimsuit for nothing. Oh, well.

It's less than fifteen degrees here and snow is expected on Sunday. The low tomorrow is predicted to be SEVEN degrees. I'm afraid my face will freeze and fall off. We don't plan to be outdoors much tomorrow--everyone is coming to this cabin for the wedding. Mom and I stayed up way too late decorating the cake and the cabin, but it's done. And now I'll be able to sleep, I hope.

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