Another day snowed in with five people READY to get off this mountain. It would have been much worse if an intrepid pizza delivery guy from Domino's hadn't made it up here in his Jeep to deliver a couple of large pizzas, cheese sticks, and four liters of caffeinated beverages. This restored our moods considerably. The temperature tomorrow is predicted to rise to at least fifty degrees, and this should adequately melt the ice that is preventing us from leaving.
We watched movies, we played farm, whiling away another day with a child who is ready to go somewhere and do something. I think he was finally affected by the cold temperatures in the cabin, electing to spend a good portion of the day in his room (where a portable heater is keeping it nice and toasty) watching his movies. He would select a movie and take it out of its case, open his movie player, and place the DVD in it. One of us would make sure the movie was locked into place and turn on the player and then Dennis would push the button that plays the movie. He even knows how to skip ahead and back so that he can watch the parts he likes best.
Today he learned that a duck says "quack quack" and a snake says "ssssssss". He said "night night Pop" when he went to bed. He has started counting anything he has two of, holding both things up and saying "two three" (we're working on one-two). We'll be taking a much smarter and more verbal child home tomorrow, one with a considerably larger vocabulary than he had a week ago. For me, that's been the most fun part of the trip, watching him grow and learn. He'll miss the stairs here for sure. All day long we'd hear "stairs up" or "stairs down" and he would beg us to accompany him as he climbed up or scooted down. At home we'll be back on flat land. But all his toys will be there, so I know he'll be glad to get there, too. And he'll be back in his bed. We noticed that he lacks two inches of being the same length as the pack and play. It's time to figure out another travel sleep situation!
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