I enjoyed Dennis' company so much today. We were hanging around the house, thinking about lunch, when Gran called to invite us to an impromptu fish fry. Bob, as it turns out, caught another great big catfish and wasn't allowed to bring any more home before the wedding, so we were happy to take it off his hands. It fed 5 of us. And it was delicious. Score another one for the Master Fisherman.
While at the lake, Dennis remembered our fun games from a few days ago and got out his blocks and boats and set them up as ski jumps and docks. He enticed Gran into playing with him again after Pop left (Pop had been playing Noah's Ark with him before he left). Dennis also cooked some juice in the kitchen. I asked him what he was making and he said juice, and when I looked I saw a mug with a spoon in it on his stove. He was serious. He got to watch a couple of Thomas episodes while we cleaned up and then we were headed back to town.
I really enjoyed our car rides. Dennis and I talked the whole way to the lake. He pointed out houses and trees and I taught him how to say 'gas station' and how to identify one. We talked about how the trees would have their leaves back in a few months, just after his birthday, and how God made all the trees and the birds and the cows and horses and dogs and cats and even ourselves. I don't know how much he retained, but he seemed to very much enjoy the conversation. He happily pointed out the docks to me when we got to the lake and he was extremely happy to go in and see his Gran and Pop (and even more happy than that to eat).
On the way home, we saw a beautiful sunset and we talked about the colors and how pretty it was. He got to come into the gym and watch us work out for a few minutes (we took turns so that one of us could watch him). And I had a nice thought on the way home--I think the small blessings are wonderful. There are millions of small blessings, everywhere I look. The sunset tonight, Dennis' smile, his laugh, the artful look of bare branches against an impossibly blue sky, a clear winter's night with a bright full moon, a nice email or call from a good friend, a good book, a feeling of accomplishment and self-confidence after a good workout--all those things and thousands more bring small tidbits of joy to my days. And when I think about it, those moments of joy far outweigh the heavy and overbearing burden of financial worry that I have been known to let ruin many a day. I have to constantly remind myself to turn the worry over to God, and though I do that, I often find myself repeating the same prayer again and again and again ad nauseum. Does that get on God's nerves? I bet it does. It would get on my nerves. I should just ask once and then trust Him to answer as He sees fit rather than nagging the heck out of Him. I'll be He stays pretty busy. I do, however, also find myself constantly thanking Him for the aforementioned small blessings as well as the big ones that are my family and friends and wonderful son. And that I'll try to keep doing, as we all should. We are very very blessed in this beautiful world with its good and special people, and I couldn't be more thrilled with all the incredible people in my life (especially my best little buddy).
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