Saturday, January 17, 2009

cake fish

These were the two words most spoken by Dennis today. He loved eating leftover wedding cake, and he also loved seeing the aquarium. We were thrilled to discover that our annual passes to the aquarium don't expire until next weekend, so we were able to have some free and excellent baby entertainment. Dennis pointed out so many fish and enjoyed running around and around. He learned to say "shark" today (and how to point them out to us in the aquarium). He also learned "stroller" and "trolley" and said "cuda" for barracuda. He said "drum" for the first time, and he surprised us all in the car when he counted to five. I held up my fingers, gradually opening up my hand one finger at a time, and I said "one". He said "two three" for the next two fingers, and I repeated after him. Then he said "four" and then "five", and I was very amazed!

Another cute thing he did on the drive down the mountain to town--he saw cabins tucked way down in hollows where we could just see the tops of them from the road, and he would say "house uh-oh" (like maybe he thought the house had fallen in a hole). He also said "tree uh-oh" for fallen trees that he spotted on the drive. Very cute. He said the word "snow" today as well and chanted it over and over again, and his wish came true tonight as we saw snow beginning to fall as we stopped to buy groceries. It isn't snowing now, but there's a good bit more on Mt. LeConte (which we can see from the cabin) and some is predicted here tomorrow. Not that he hasn't seen his share of snow recently--David isn't looking forward to the possibility of more of it! The rest of us are kind of hoping to see some, poor little southern children deprived of snow fun and trying to make up for it now!

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