After Dennis 'helped' (hindered) my housecleaning this morning, we headed down to the lake to visit with Gran and enjoy the peacefulness that comes with winter lake watching. Not many boats, lots of ducks, big view since the trees don't have leaves... And it was a perfect day temperature-wise.
He pretended to nap for a while after a big crying spell that started when he pulled a jar off a table and onto his head (the table is as tall as he is, so it just kind of slid onto him rather than dropping any distance) and then ended with diaper rash pain as I changed him. We heard a crash after he'd been down a half hour or so and we came running in from the porch. The washing machine had wiggled so much as it spun the clothes that the stack of games on top of the machine came crashing to the floor. I decided to check on Dennis to make sure it didn't wake him up, and when I opened the door to the bedroom, he was standing there smiling at me. We got him up and played with him after that.
Gran is a great playmate for Dennis. She helped him build some block structures and he was interested for about thirty seconds before he ran off to find his 'boat' (a toy sea-doo/waverunner/jet ski that came with the lake house). Gran decided to build him a boat house out of the blocks, which delighted him, and soon he was driving the sea-doo up wooden ramps and over jumps and into the boat house, 'docking' it on the wooden dock we constructed. We got Noah out of the ark so that he could ride the sea-doo and Dennis got our various animals and placed them on the dock and off the dock and then back on again. The hippos and kangaroos and zebras, lions and elephants and giraffes and leopards all had a great time swimming and sunning on the dock, and many of them got turns on the sea-doo. Dennis learned to roar like a lion, which is hilariously cute and which he enjoys doing.
We went for a walk then, over the gravel road and onto a paved road that led us up a giant hill. Dennis watched in amazement from his stroller as we puffed so hard trying to catch our breath once we reached the top (without stopping on the way--yay us!). He pointed out trucks and docks and boats on the walk and had a nice time watching the scenery. He left the lake with his Daddy while I went to the gym, and after supper at home we all played with his farm for a long time. I love watching him make the animals and people interact with each other, and I actually have lots of fun when we play. David had fun playing tonight as well. We put away the farm so that we could play with the trains for a bit and then it was time for bed. The days just pass too fast!
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