I am sensing a theme to our winter vacations this season. This is the second trip in a month where we've been snowed in with Mom and Dad. We aren't sick this time, and there are only a few inches of snow on the ground. We're on top of a mountain, though, and the roads are very icy. It looks as if we will not be leaving tomorrow as originally planned. We shall see. As I look out the window now, the road is completely covered in snow, quite a change from a few hours ago when we took our walk.
We mostly stayed in today. David and Mom attempted a trip down the mountain for additional food this morning, but the roads were too bad to get far, so they returned to the cabin instead. I love snow but wasn't feeling my best today and took a lot of naps (I am paranoid that we will relive the Sick Vacation of last month and am really trying to be careful). I did get out for a walk after my afternoon nap and enjoyed it so much that I bundled Dennis up and took him for a walk as well. He ran outside, stuck his arms straight out from his sides and gleefully shouted "SNOW!" again and again. He also said "rain snow", I presume because it was snowing and it was 'raining' snow. He ran around and around, looking at the snow, and he enjoyed stomping around in his snow boots. He saw some neighbors out shoveling and ran to the top of the hill to say hello. He walked up to two uninhabited cabins, saying "house" and "door", and I finally got him turned around and headed back in the correct direction to return to our place. He fell down a couple of times, and I decided to hold his hand for the rest of the walk back--it's pretty slippery out there. After he slipped down and I helped him up again, he turned to me and said "thank you!" very sweetly. He stopped to check out all the snow piled onto the cars and then ran to the door and knocked. His Daddy let him in and he immediately wanted to go upstairs to see Pop (and have supper).
His Gran bought him one of those wooden train whistles while we were out shopping yesterday. When I first blew it for him last night, he cried. Then he laughed, and after that he brought the whistle to all of us to blow it for him. He held it up to his mouth while saying "choo choo". Today he actually learned to blow the thing and is so delighted with himself whenever he makes a train whistle. He says "yay" and claps for himself each time. He appears to have absolutely no self confidence problems, and I am so glad that he's such a self-assured little guy.
Both my men abandoned me to their caves tonight. David left to play computer games in our room when I asked him if he'd go upstairs to watch TV (since he and Dad were both watching the same show on the same channel) so that Mom and I could watch a movie downstairs. He got pretty mad and stomped off to his cave. This was right after Dennis came to us with a DVD announcing "truck movie night night" (meaning that he wanted to watch his Fisher Price movie about wheels from his crib), and he wanted to be alone in his room and fell asleep after watching the movie. I suppose I had my own cave time this afternoon while I napped, but it did help my cough and headache--I feel pretty good now (and it's time to go back to sleep).
I added a sledding video to Dennis' YouTube channel (see link in list on right), and if you haven't checked in a while, I think there are a couple of Halloween videos as well. The sledding video is from the Christmas trip to Bellingham, WA.
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