Aren't you glad I'm not going to do another dissertation on the brilliance of his potty prowess? I thought so. We'll sum it up by saying it was another totally successful day on that front.
It's hard to think of things to do to engage his little mind all day, and I brought out a secret weapon that I have had stashed until such time as I thought he wouldn't eat it. Yes, it was Play-Doh Day! We made snowmen and apples and baseballs and then we made mugs and plates and had a tea party. This was such fun to him that he requested "let's have a REAL tea party, Mommy!" and we did just that. I brewed sugar plum tea, got out china teacups and saucers, set our places with small china dessert plates featuring mini moon pies and mini ritz crackers. I put ice in the tea pitcher and poured our cups. I set out milk and sugar and we toasted each other and said "cheers". Just then Gran called because Caedmon wanted to talk to Dennis, and while Dennis was telling Caedmon "we're having our very own tea party!" he poured ALL the milk from the little china pitcher into his cup, which overflowed and soaked everything. Then he took a big drink, or rather his shirt did, and then he added most of the sugar while I was trying to hang up the phone. I did a quick clean and we started over and he said "I love tea parties!".
Also today, he got a haircut (which he loudly and boisterously protested, leaving me with a nasty cut on my knuckle) and a nice long bath where he splashed and played and sang the A-B-C song. I thought we'd read books for awhile, but he wanted to play with the Play-Doh again. He made a 'baseball' out of the white dough and handed it to me and went to fetch his baseball glove from his room (all his idea) and we played catch. And then he wanted to make mugs again, so I did, and we played cheers and pretended to drink. I got another phone call and then I started to write this blog entry and he brought me those 'mugs' filled with ice water from my glass. So I had to pause to mop up a big trail of water and I'll leave you with the same question that's running through my mind: what do you do with Play-Doh that is so water-soaked that it has become slimy? Ewww.
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