Today he learned to slide down the 'fireman pole' at the playground all by himself. As Gran says, he still looks so little to be doing all the things he does at the playground. I admit, watching him lean out over the ground and wrap those little hands around the pole and then kicking his feet out to wrap around is a bit harrowing, but he's so good at it. He tried it once, found he could do it all by himself, and continued to slide again and again for 23 of the 30 minutes we braved the cold to play at the playground today. He spent the other time trying to make friends with the other little kids there, running up to them and saying "hey, friend!" and "do you want to play with me?". We've got a social little guy on our hands.
Tonight thrilled me to pieces. We went on a walk with Gran and Pop (and we let Dennis walk 2 laps). Pop and Dennis had fun playing pirates with large sticks that Dennis retrieved from just off the path. Shopping immediately afterward was okay because he was worn out, though he did shout loud random phrases at the top of his lungs as we cruised the grocery aisles. The most fun came when we were on our way back to the lake house and he made a raspberry noise and giggled and then told me to do it. We basically spent 20 minutes in the car together having a fart-noise contest, and he was laughing those great baby belly laughs, huge chuckles and little screams of laughter that got me laughing as well. He took a break from that to sing the A-B-C song five times in a row but soon we were back to our baser humor. It's deliciously gross fun to be a boy's mom!
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