This morning as Dennis walked into the bathroom and sat on the commode, he looked up at me and said "Mommy, my nose has got too many boogers in it." I just never know what's going to come out of his mouth next. I asked him if he needed my help with that and he said "no, I'll get them. I can eat them." I try to discourage this, often and with dubious results (because it totally grosses me out). Any suggestions?
Granny came up to visit today and the three of us went to see Uncle Denny in the hospital. Dennis was wild and VERY unhappy to be confined to his stroller while we were inside visiting. I heard lots of "but I want to walk" and "get me out of here, Mommy" and "I need to check Uncle Denny's bed", but I did not let him get out until it was time to leave, and then I happened to think that he DID need to walk a while before getting strapped back into the car for an hour drive. I let him push the stroller out. He yelled alot in the car on the way home, loudly and at very unpredictable intervals, the kind of noises that make operating a vehicle so very exciting for the driver (me). Granny, in an attempt at a quiet distraction, told him the story of the three little pigs. He quietly listened to the entire thing, then said "I'm the big bad wolf. I going to huff and huff and huff and blow your car away" and then spent 10 minutes repeating this and blowing loudly. Don't most children identify with the pigs (good guys) and not the wolf (bad guy)? Yeah, not mine.
We were happy to get back to the lake house and the hot spaghetti dinner that Daddy prepared for us, and Dennis was elated to eat spaghetti and a banana popsicle and take part in the necessary bath afterward. The bath seemed to supercharge him and he escaped from David during the dry-off attempt. Suddenly the door burst open and he streaked crazily around this tiny house, giggling as naked, freshly bathed children often do until David caught him up in the towel and forced him to submit to more drying. Once we got him into his pajamas (not an easy feat tonight), he donned his pirate hat, grabbed up his sword, and talked pirate with me for a while before he insisted on posing for pirate pictures. I am exhausted because he has been so 'on' for so many hours (and so I've had to be as well), and I'm wishing I had remembered to pack up a bottle of wine to bring down here. Our intent is to work on Uncle Denny's unpacking job when we aren't visiting him so that he is able to move right in when he gets out of the hospital. Surgery tomorrow for the foot amputation--everyone's prayers are more than appreciated!
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