I am so happy that Dennis decided today that he'd rather poo-poo in the big toilet than in the potty! Hooray! We've had another completely dry day and a visit to a new potty (Ace Hardware's). Success. I snapped this picture of him lying around in his underpants because he just looks so darn cute in them when he keeps them on. It seems like every time I turn around, he's half naked and running for the toilet and then I'm running after him. This is my new workout regimen. I have to get mobilized QUICKLY I think, though he's been able to take care of getting on the toilet himself. I have been needed once to help him get his stuck foot out of his pants (don't know why he wants them completely off, but he does).
Today is Ash Wednesday, a time when I always like to reflect on the season ahead, to spend 40 days thinking of Jesus' life on earth and the sacrifice he made for all of us. I always love going to the service at our church, but we didn't get to go tonight. There are reasons, good ones, but still I am sorry to miss it, sorry to miss getting the ashes applied to my forehead, sorry to miss the solemnity of the occasion shared with fellow worshippers.
Does anyone else check on their sleeping child every single night, going into the room to adjust covers, smooth hair away from eyes, whisper "I love you so much and I'm so proud of you" while gazing at his angelic sleeping face? I do. And the very first thought that passes through my mind as I enter his quiet and dark room is always the same one, a quick silent prayer of "thank You, Lord, for the gift of this wonderful, beautiful, perfect child." It does not matter how difficult bedtime might have been (though he's mostly over that brief phase and is back to going to bed and staying there), or how trying he was, or anything. By the time midnight rolls around and I go in and check on him as I am getting ready to go to sleep, I am totally in love with him again, having completely forgotten the day's troubles. I think that we are given children so that we can have just one inkling of understanding of God's love for us, though His patience is infinitely greater.
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