We had a great Valentine's Day. Dennis was delighted to share his homemade cards with Gran and Pop and Uncle Denny as well as to distribute the goodies he'd helped pick out for them (70% chocolate bar for Gran, 85% chocolate bar for Uncle Denny, Little Debbie heart cakes for Pop). They gave him a heart boxes full of candy. He was ecstatic. We all shared a breakfast-for-supper meal together, biscuits (made by me, cooked by Gran), sausage (ground by David, cooked by Gran) and eggs (stirred by Dennis, cooked by Gran), which was was superb. Dennis also got to play with his new-to-him robot that Gran had picked up. He hugged it and said "my favorite robot!".
He gave me a wonderful card and also made a special one for Daddy. I got a heart box full of Reese's cups (mmmmmm....) and David got two boxes of Samoas (the girl scout cookie he knows I won't eat--also his favorite). Dennis scored another heart box of candy from us, a bag of strawberry heart marshmallows that we're all sharing, and a tiny box of conversation hearts. Gran and Pop gave David and me chocolate covered potato chips that I can't wait to try (but insist on waiting until I'm over my cold so I can actually taste them). Even better than all the food? All the hugs and kisses and "Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy" phrases I heard. I've never liked this holiday, but today was pretty darn special.
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