I've watched the predictions, but I will be so disappointed if they've gotten it wrong again. Dennis has been asking me to build a snowman all winter long. I WANT IT TO SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! David doesn't, of course, because he doesn't like snow.
So I'd like to report our first little bit of potty success. I put him in underpants this morning when I got up and he kept them dry until it was time to diaper up for his nap. This evening after his nap, I did it again. He kept the same pair dry all evening. He used the potty and was SO happy to tell us "LOOK! I pee-peed in the potty!!" and we let him flush it. He seems to understand that he needs to keep his underpants dry now. What a huge relief, that we've finally made some kind of breakthrough. I kept a potty handy in the den and he sat on it for a while after supper, and then we had success. I don't kid myself that it's not going to be a long, hard road, but now I can stop wondering about his physical ability to hold it longer than 15 minutes. Hooray!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Really. I did this weird dance on the bed as I was watching the news tonight and they reported that our county was one of the ones in the Winter Storm Warning category. First they listed the Winter Weather Advisory counties and I was scowling at the television when Chilton wasn't mentioned, but then they listed Winter Storm Warning and that was the better category to be in, at least for me, poor child of the Deep South who rarely gets a snow experience. You'd think after last winter I'd be cured, what with being snowed in up in Washington and then being snowed in at Gatlinburg a few weeks later, and then having a big snow at the end of February/first of March but no, it's a new winter now. Come to think of it, it has snowed big here once every winter since Dennis was born. Awesome. Now if only we could get enough of it to go sledding...
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