Thursday, October 2, 2008

that nice couple at the lake

Dennis and I headed to the lake house today to make sure everything is in tip top shape for the company coming over the weekend. He took several naps and vegged out on the couch for hours, which is not like him. We were up late last night listening to him toss and turn and whine and brought him to bed with us. At 5:40 this morning, he rolled over onto me and nearly set me on fire, so we took his temperature and discovered a slight fever. We dosed him with meds and he went back to sleep fitfully, and in the morning he was his usual self. He seemed tired this afternoon, which was not surprising since he didn't sleep well, and I kept checking him. Gran and I both checked him and he was fine, and then 45 minutes later, he felt really hot. Temperature was 103 then. I dosed him with tylenol and he dozed and lazed around and when we got home he seemed fine. No other symptoms except for a sneeze, but we're all sneezing in this house this week. I got on the hotline to Ellen to find out if we should be expecting more teeth in now, and it's entirely possible. But just in case, we gave him a baby dose of Airborne tonight and will keep it up according to the package directions so that we can ward off anything that isn't teething related.

Before the fever hit, we were all playing on the screened porch, and a pair of mallard ducks swam up to the dock below. Gran went down first with a handful of potato chips and Dennis and I followed her. He enjoyed watching the ducks very much. He waved to them and talked to them and kept pointing and telling me "duck". Then he pointed to the water and said "cookie?" and I explained that we were feeding them chips, not cookies. I know chips are probably not located anywhere on the mallard duck RDA food pyramid, but we wanted to attract them close enough so that Dennis could see them. I pointed out the distinction between the boy duck and the girl duck (the color, of course), but I think he's just a little young to understand that. The ducks swam away and we went back up to the porch and we saw them later visiting the neighbor's reedy area and doing a little fishing. They seemed like a friendly pair and we didn't see any other ducks anywhere in the vicinity, so I wonder if they've taken up residence nearby. I hope so, as mallards are neat and I like the soft chatter they make (as opposed to the geese and their much louder volume). We also saw a flock of Canada geese flying by at sunset, low and close to the water--so beautiful in their perfect formation!

Tonight Dennis seemed fine and happy, but I know I'll be checking in on him all night. I just hope he sleeps a little better tonight. He is drooling a good bit, so I know his teeth hurt some, and I gave him some motrin just before he turned in. That should help. These random weird fevers always scare me, and I know he's probably just fine, but I'll be glad when tomorrow comes and shows me how he's doing.

Three nights in a row he's wanted to sit on his potty and read books, so we've obliged him. He's not deposited anything in the potty as of yet, but he's very interested in it, and we're happy to indulge his interest. I bought him the Elmo's Potty Time video, and he loved watching that, so we'll add it to his learning movie rotation. He has actually learned some things from Elmo, so even though I previously found Elmo extremely annoying, he's growing on me. Dennis really likes Elmo, but he has recently discovered Ernie and talks about him just as much as Elmo. Ernie was my favorite Sesame Street character when I was younger, but I really like Oscar the Grouch the best now. He reminds me of someone special that I know.

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