Today Dennis pointed out his first body part on himself. He's been pointing to our eyes, ears, noses, mouths, but never his own. And tonight, while Gran was reading his favorite book ever--I Love You Through and Through--Dennis pointed to his own ear when she got to the page about ears, and he said "ear" while he did it. He pointed to his ear several minutes later when I asked him where his ear was. I didn't know this was a milestone until the pediatrician asked me if he could do it at the last checkup. She was satisfied that he could point out David's and my noses and eyes. But now he knows about his own ear. Jennifer will be proud that his ear was the first thing he learned!

As we were getting ready for bed, he was pointing out all kinds of objects to me from his Baby Einstein First Book of Colors (a big board book from Uncle Denny), and I can't believe how much he knows. For instance, when we got to the page for the color white, which he and I haven't gotten to many times before because he's always so quick to turn pages, he pointed to the sheep and said "sheep". And then he pointed to the white microwave and white stove and said "cook". Then he pointed to the white light switch plate and said "on" and "off". I was amazed. He didn't just name the objects--he knew what they did! Oh, and he pointed to the sheep again, and said "sheep. BAA!". Brilliant!
The pictures are from our shopping excursion to Whole Foods, where he loves to drive the car around (car attached to front of shopping cart) and honk the horn at fellow shoppers (perhaps a technique learned from Aunt Ellen and Chloe?). He was a lot of fun today.
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