Dennis was a real charmer today. He and I zoomed cars around his room for quite a while, each of us making motor noises of competing loudness. And he 'helped' me with my art project--painting these two pictures for Ellen's birthday to go in their new camper. He snatched some brushes, stole my eraser, nearly pulled the paint down on himself... I decided to wait for naptime to finish up!
He tried to get his Daddy to hire him on as an assistant as well--the picture shows him trying on David's Makita tool hat, freshly coated with sheetrock dust. We told him most assistants wore pants, though, so he didn't quite qualify today. Dennis lov
es tools, though he rarely gets the opportunity to touch them. We are very diligent since that time we saw him carrying a full sized hammer around with him, just barely keeping from banging it on his toes as he walked.

We went to Ellen's birthday dinner tonight at Cracker Barrel, and Dennis and Chloe had so much fun playing with the peg board games. Dennis loved pulling out one single golf tee and then putting it back precisely where it was, then applauding himself and yelling "YAY!" as loud as he could. After a while he branched out, switching the golf tees to different holes and rearranging the colors to his satisfaction. He was very excited to see Chloe tonight, too, and they kept smiling and laughing at each other across the table, at least until the food came and they got busy with more serious matters. After the meal, Dennis and Pop had tickle fun--Pop would
tickle his belly and then pull his hand away, and Dennis would grab his hand and pull it back over to his belly. He was screaming with laughter and Pop got covered in drool. Dennis spent some time licking the back of my hand, but my dessert came then and I was able to distract him some with chocolate (which, in my opinion, almost always tastes better than hand).

He was probably asleep in the carseat before we left the parking lot of the restaurant. He was quiet the whole way home. It is cold outside tonight! I suppose we can really say that Fall has arrived!
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