Thursday, October 23, 2008

checking it twice

Picture 1: Dennis has removed the plastic tub from his potty (the MOST important part of the potty) and is parking a car in there instead. Yesterday when 'we' cleaned his room, I noticed that I was missing several of the Chevron cars. I stumbled over the potty on the way out of the room and found them in there. Maybe he likes the secret parking garage. Maybe all his cars are spy cars and they need the privacy of parking in a place like a baby's potty. Maybe he's hiding all the most special cars in there so that Mommy won't drive them across the room--saving the best cars for himself to drive. As soon as I walked into his room tonight to help him get ready for bed, I caught him hiding cars in the potty again. We both giggled about it. At least the potty is getting used for something!

Picture 2: Dennis has gotten the pad of paper and pen away from David and is either double checking the packing list for tomorrow's camping trip or is double checking the ingredient list for David's chili and deciding whether or not he'll be eating any. Dennis accompanied me over to his Grandma's house (where the camper is parked in her garage while David replaced the water-damaged countertop that, incidentally, we didn't water damage) to load up some supplies in the camper. He danced through the camper, learned how to sit down and ease himself down onto the step and then repeat the process to get from the step to the ground. Big uh-oh. Now he can escape. At least he hasn't figured out how to unlock the door as of yet, so we can still keep him contained as long as we lock the door since he knows how to open the thing when it isn't locked.

Here's hoping we have a fabulous time this weekend, camping with our best friends and our combined two toddlers...

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