Friday, October 3, 2008

big talker

Dennis discovered the art of true phone conversation today. For months he's been putting his play phones up to his ear (usually backwards) and walking around and talking gibberish. Today I saw him walking around with the real phone and doing the same thing. Somewhat later, after his nap when he was a little upset at waking up, he kept walking back and forth to the doors and looking out and calling for "Da-da". He was inconsolable, and just when I picked up the phone to call his Daddy so he could hear his voice, the phone rang. It was David, and I explained to him that Dennis was asking for him, and then I put the phone on speaker and handed it to Dennis. He walked around with it up to his ear, chattering away to his Daddy. It was, hands down, the cutest thing Mom and I had ever seen. They had a very long conversation, occasionally punctuated by Dennis pressing some buttons on the phone and then returning to the call.

A couple of hours later, he wanted the phone again, so we called his Pop and let Dennis talk to him. It was a repeat performance and it thrilled Dad to hear what all Dennis had to say. Not that we understood what all Dennis had to say, mind you, but it was sure fun to listen to. Again, much later, we decided to call Uncle Denny (who was on his way here to visit) to let him know that Dennis had just licked the mayonnaise off his piece of sandwich bread (something Uncle Denny was known for as a kid). Dennis got the phone again and had another conversation, this time with a lot more button pushing. What was so cute about it was the way he walked around and around the lake house with the phone up to his ear, talking away and then pausing to listen and then talking again.

In other news, Froggy took his first ever swim in the toilet today. He recovered just fine and is sleeping underneath Dennis right now. They looked cozy when I went in to check on them a few minutes ago. Dennis felt fine all day, no sign of fever, no sign of illness. It must have been another mystery fever yesterday or it was tooth related. Thank goodness all seems well.

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