Today we took Dennis all over the place, heading north to meet up with one friend for lunch and lots of friends for dinner, people we hadn't seen in quite a while. Add to that some diaper shopping and some looking at toys, and he had a full day! He fell in love with a couple of Elmo chairs that he didn't need and so therefore didn't get, and he cuddled a soft blue monkey for so long that I thought we might have finally found a new lovey to replace Froggy, but this was not the case. Froggy is almost completely blind now, his eye paint having been mostly loved off.
Speaking of Froggy, I got a lead on a semi-replacement. I submitted Froggy's picture to a website that specializes in hard-to-find toys, and one lady has contacted me. She has a Froggy that is a different color but otherwise the exact same stuffed animal. They won him at an arcade by trading tickets in for him. She wants $15, and I'm hesitant to do it, but it is a very close substitute. I wish there was one out there that was the same eye-bruising colors as the one we have!
Dennis worked his cute all day and people everywhere stopped us to comment on his adorableness. He played peek-a-boo at dinner for half an hour and amused our dining companions as well as a smitten older couple at the table next to ours. At the grocery store one lady pulled us aside to comment on how gorgeous he is. Of course we agreed.
He told us "fye uh-oh" (pacifier uh-oh) on the way home tonight to indicated to us that he dropped his pacifier, and "Froggy uh-oh" when Froggy met the same fate. And I got a "go bye-bye" when he was ready to leave dinner (the first time he was ready to leave--before the adults' entrees had even arrived!). This was followed by "Ma-ma go". We made him stay long enough for us to eat, and I had to hold him in my lap for a while and watch him dip each fry into the ketchup 40 times, licking it off each time. I think he was doing this to help Ellen celebrate her birthday, even though she wasn't with us today--she is the biggest ketchup lover we know. Fortunately he got involved in some serious peek-a-boo action and was happy for the rest of the meal thanks to a very patient and animated dining companion who played along with him and kept him giggling. He was so tired when we got home that he laughed hysterically while running around in his room, and when David played 'ride the horsey' with him, he just couldn't stop laugh-screaming. But he eventually reached his limit and demanded "teeth" and then "night night" repeatedly, so we brushed his teeth and put him to bed. He was ready. And so are we!
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