The day finally arrived, and the preparations were all made. Guests of our Halloween party this year discovered a pumpkin murder mystery and pumpkin C.S.I. lab. Much hilarity ensued, and happily enough, the crime was solved.
Costumes were fabulous, as always, and though I admit partiality to Dennis' so adorable red dragon costume, white Dave dressed and made up as a black woman clearly won the costume prize. His mannerisms even changed to reflect his new race and gender. I don't know when I've ever laughed so hard at a time when Hadden wasn't around...
Since this is Dennis' website, I'll talk more about his evening. He went trick-or-treating for the first time tonight, in downtown Clanton. Several public buildings (fire dept, city hall, police, church parking lot...) had set up trick-or-treat places for kids, and we walked around to let him visit them all. Once he learned that candy was involved, it didn't take him long to figure out how to hold up his pumpkin and say "treat" and then "thank you". He loved his costume and took pride in running all over in it, knowing he was personifying the entire concept of cute and working it for all he was worth. We got comments from everyone who saw him. At ACE hardware, he visited his fan club in costume, and they took his pi
cture. He loved everything about Halloween, from the costume wearing to the trick-or-treating to seeing other kids and adults dressed up to the delicious meal we had at the party, and finally, to getting to play with his best friend Chloe (also adorable in her black cat costume). He didn't help much in the 'crime lab' except to occasionally run in and touch computer buttons or to mess with 'evidence', or to point to the fireplace and say "hot". He went to bed halfway through the party, happily exhausted and dressed in his bone pajamas. Chloe went to bed immediately after, and the rest of us stayed up too late having fun. No, he has not eaten any candy as of yet. There's 1/3 of a pumpkin full in the kitchen, but I am pretending it isn't there, even though I know there are miniature Snickers and Twix and various Hershey bars in there...
I can't imagine a more fun evening than this one. Happy Halloween to all!