Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Still not himself today. He was in a great mood, but so very sleepy. He took countless naps, and did much lap-sitting. He kept coming over to each of us and actually climbing into our laps. This is something pretty new. He usually prefers walking around constantly, and we aren't used to this much still time. Many times he fetched a book from the shelf and brought it over and climbed into one of our laps, clearly indicating (demanding) that we needed to read to him. This is good for him, though, so we have no objection at all. He did manage to climb onto David's lap and catch him unprepared, though, which was quite funny. David was lying flat on his back on the floor, not really watching us, and Dennis walked over, positioned himself right between David's legs, and plopped down somewhat forcefully. David sat up quickly after this (and perhaps sang soprano for a bit), and I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably, and this set Dennis off laughing. So we had a little fun at Daddy's expense today, poor guy.

I cannot underestimate the importance of Frog during this illness. Frog has been dangling from Dennis's hand constantly. He's come to mealtimes and shared the highchair, he's been to every diaper change, he went through every nap, and he even joined in all the book reading and shape sorting today. Dennis has been somewhat fond of Frog before now, but this week and today especially, Frog has been his inseparable companion. To get a picture of Frog, I had to snatch him from the crib while Dennis slept, and I had to wait for Dennis to roll off of Frog before I could borrow him. And I had to return him quickly, because I could hear rustling from the crib via the baby monitor, and I knew that little hand would be reaching for his amphibious buddy.

We don't know anything about Frog's origins. He's an adopted Frog. He arrived at our place in a bundle of used clothing from Laine and Emily, clothing I have passed on to younger female babies. But we kept Frog, because I liked his wild coloring and softness, and somehow he's become very important to Dennis. He has no identifying tags. He might have even come from one of those claw vending machines. We have no idea. We would love to have a backup Frog, but I don't even know where to begin looking! Frog has already had some surgery on his back leg, and his pupils are wearing off, and he'll be blind before too much longer, or at least until we figure out a non-toxic way to give him renewed vision (I think Sharpie is out, at least until Frog's eyes are permanently out of Dennis's mouth). He's been a loyal Frog, and so far we've managed to keep up with him, but it sure would be nice to have a Frog II, just in case.

I wonder what things Frog knows about Dennis that we don't know...

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