Woke up this morning to a crying baby, and I realized that we were missing a member of the family! David usually does morning detail, and he wasn't here. He had woken up early and went on in to work, which turned out to be a good thing. I went in to get Dennis (who didn't wake up until 9 am, which means that I got to sleep late myself) and found that he had pooped through his diaper and his pajamas. It looks like his rash is really going away, so we invested in almost a month's worth of Seventh Generation diapers. They cost exactly the same as Pampers. We just didn't know where to buy them! They were a pretty good deal at Organic Harvest, but we found them on Ellen's advice at Babies R Us for a dollar cheaper per bag, and this put them at exactly the same price we paid for the same amount of Pampers Cruisers. Totally worth it. Healthy butt, healthy environment, and NO extra cost. Maybe it IS easy being green. Sorry, Kermit.
We spent our morning with Gran, playing in her den while she finished up some business. Dennis demonstrated one of his new games that he likes to play with Gran. He spins her office chair around with her in it, and he says "wheeeee" when he does it. Too funny.
We spent our afternoon visiting a hospitalized relative of David's, and Dennis discovered that it is seriously fun to run up and down hospital corridors. He made some friends, even wandered into a patient room for a second before we caught up to him. He was all smiles, and he spread some joy around on the 6th floor.
He's getting smarter and smarter. He knows the meanings of and uses the following words consistently: hot, shoe, out, on, off, up, Mommy, Daddy, Gheeee (Gran), Pop, open, close, juice, ball, dog, cat, diaper, raisin, bread, cheese, horse, duck, sheep, cow, eyes, nose, mouth, ear, chair, fish, book, cup, flower, bird, tree, and car. I know I am leaving some out, but these all come to mind immediately. He repeats words as well, but these things he understands the word and the concept. He says Pop whenever we drive up to Gran and Pop's house. He says "nye nye" (night night) whenever he wants to go to bed. It's so fun to communicate with him now! We've been singing the alphabet song to him in the car and in his room, and we were singing "a b c d e f g" when he suddenly piped up "h i j". We were so proud! Today we were singing it in the car, and he would sing random letters out while we were singing the song, letters that he apparently liked the sound of and so tried them out.
We shopped for a kitchen for him today, and have been looking all week online. Target sold out of the kitchen we've been planning to buy him for forever, and they have discontinued it. It has to be a wooden kitchen (with NO pink parts), and we've found a number of them online, but we have totally fallen for the Plan Toys kitchen pieces. I love the 2008 series which comes out next month, but I have found last year's pieces on several websites at decent prices. We're going to watch the prices of the new things and see if our Thailand connection can get them for us at a good price. If not, we'll be buying a piece every other month or so for St. Nicholas to bring at Christmastime. Today we found the Plan Toys City Station at a very good price and bought it for him. The Fisher Price little people sets absolutely pale in comparison to the Plan Toys playsets except for one area. The Fisher Price toys do make sounds where the others don't. I held up a sheep for Dennis this morning, and he walked over to his little farm and pressed down on the hay bale, which makes the "baaaaaaaaa" sound. I'm pleased that he knows what noises cows and sheep and horses and chickens make, and we have Fisher Price to thank for that. But we will definitely be buying more of the Plan Toys sets if he enjoys playing with this one. His wooden train tracks will hook up to the station we bought today, and he didn't have a train station yet. Of course, now we'll need to also buy a few pieces of 2 lane highway track for the cars to drive to the station... Good thing we've started this early! And I sure wish I could find a place that carries that brand locally. We bought the only Plan Toys item at Homewood Toy and Hobby, and I can find no retailers in our area that have them.
We had dinner with Pop tonight and shopped some more, then came home and crashed. Dennis was so asleep that he didn't even wake up when we changed his diapers and put his pajamas on. I'm glad he got to run around today--so good for him, and he had so much fun.
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