He babbled happily on the way home again, and then zonked out. He has slept so much today, and I am glad, because when he's awake he's just miserable. He has no sense of balance, and it's freaking him out, and mostly he just wants us to pick him up and hold him while he cries. The fever is also making him miserable, and even though it's early, he's been dosed with tylenol and ibuprofen (2 hours apart, of course), ear drops, and antibiotic, and we're hoping he can sleep it off. Poor little guy. We've never seen him cry like this, ever, and it was so pitiful when he climbed into my lap and leaned against me and cried. His little eyes are red, and there are purple bags under his eyes--he even looks like he feels bad. I don't know where he picked up the infection, and I hope it wasn't exacerbated by the flight on Wednesday, but he never complained during the flight. He has seen his cousins (both sets) this week, and Chloe, and I hope he wasn't a little Typhoid Dennis passing something around for all to share. He didn't run fever until yesterday, though, so maybe all is ok.
I hope tomorrow is a better day to write about.
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