Sunday, June 8, 2008

pacific Dennis

Dennis dipped his toes into the Pacific Ocean for the first time today. All of us went to Lummi Island today so that Dennis could get to ride a ferry, which he liked very much. Of all the adventures that Dennis has had, I think that he had more fun at that beach today than he's ever had. He loved running around on the rocky shore and running right up to the water line and walking in the water. He loved picking up the rocks and tasting some of them. He found some driftwood and brought it to the water after he watched Caedmon do this. He laughed and laughed and laughed today, just because he was so happy. He got soaked, of course, and absolutely filthy, but he had the best time ever. We could hardly keep up with him, and we had no luck keeping him out of the water!

Uncle Michael is proving himself to be that zany uncle that every kid loves. He tossed Dennis up in the air and tickled him, and, most importantly, gave him a driving lesson today. He actually turned loose of the steering wheel when Dennis brushed his hands off, but he managed to regain control after Dennis steered us sharply to the right, perilously close to a ditch. It was hilarious, and Dennis was so proud of himself. Caedmon drove us onto the ferry for the return trip.

It was another fabulous day here, and I love watching Dennis's eyes go wide as he takes in all the new scenery. We are having such a good time, and words cannot describe how wonderful it is to see his delight with all the things we are doing. He loves his cousins very much, and I hope we get to visit often so that they will get to know each other well. Caedmon can say "Dennis", but Dennis hasn't tried to say his name. Dennis started calling Mirella "Rella" today. They enjoyed each other's company in the back seat today, as their carseats face opposite directions. Pop had to referee some sippy cup and pacifier wars, but all in all they had a great time together.

This trip is going by entirely too quickly! But Dennis misses his Daddy, and asks for him a little more insistently every day. We'll be home in just 3 days now.

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