Sunday, June 15, 2008

fever day

This morning we took Dennis to meet Pop at Shoney's for his Father's Day breakfast when we noticed that Dennis was acting peculiarly. He was burning up hot, and his lower jaw was trembling and his arms and legs were shaking a little. I ran next door to get him some Tylenol, and we finished the meal quickly and got him home. At first he lay in bed with us for a while, watching Happy Feet, but he got bored with it quickly, and we put him to bed in his own room. He napped all afternoon on and off, and we kept him updated on Tylenol and Motrin, and finally around 5:30 he was acting like himself again. We went in his room and played with him. We played with the animals in his barn, and we played with the Tonka dump truck, and with the ball sorter...

At dinner, he fed himself with a spoon fairly successfully, even dipping it into his applesauce and getting it to his mouth. At times he dipped one end and put the other end in his mouth, but all in all, he did very well. And after dinner, he wanted to be read to. He walked around his room, picking out books from the shelf and bringing them to David and snuggling down in his lap for a good listen. I got to read one book to him, but then he took it to David to reread. His favorites were his dinosaur color book and, as always, Moo Baa La La La. He concluded with Goodnight Moon, also chosen by him, and we put him back to bed. He seems to be feeling much better, but I know we'll be checking on him all night. It's the absolute worst when your baby is sick, and there's not much you can do to make them better when they whimper and cry pitifully because they just don't feel good. It makes us feel so helpless! I know David had a tough Father's Day worrying about the little guy. But that's what fathers do, I suppose.

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