Wednesday, June 4, 2008

ready to go

The bags are packed. Dennis is asleep. Tomorrow we fly all the way across the country! I packed a number of baby diversions in the carry-on luggage. I was still shopping for blue jeans and a rain coat at 10:00pm! Nothing like waiting til the last minute!

He was very very very sweet today, and I am encouraged because he wanted to sit in my lap a good bit. This is something he'll be forced to do tomorrow unless the good folks at Delta let me bring on the carseat (please, God).

Lots of hugs, lots of kisses, and lots of conversations today. And he's starting to be like his Daddy, needing "cave time". He wanted to be alone in his pod, not necessarily to sleep, but to lay back and enjoy talking to his frog in the nice cool air conditioned room. He took 3 naps today! He didn't sleep the whole time, but he seemed to enjoy just being sprawled out and relaxing.

He is already losing some of his baby look. Still adorably cute (as evidenced by every person we saw yesterday making a big spectacle of him), but starting to look like a little boy rather than an infant. Hard to watch them grow up, but fun at the same time.

Tomorrow we'll post from the West Coast!!!!

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