Wednesday, April 14, 2010

little joker

Me: "Hey, Dennis, you sound kind of sniffly; would you like some cold medicine?"

Dennis: (considers this for a minute) "No, Mommy, I want some HOT medicine." (laughs)

Dennis had a LONG day today. We started out early, headed to the lake to help Uncle Denny get down the hill to the handicapped transport bus that came to take him into town to the eye doctor. While he was gone, Dennis 'helped' me clean his house. He actually was a decent help this time, staying put and playing nicely with his toys, doing a little sweeping and Swiffer-mopping as well. He asked to take a nap, so I took him down the hill to the lake house and settled him into bed. When I checked on him later, he was watching movies and jumping on the bed. He fell asleep when we left the lake house to head home, but when we got home, he woke up as I was getting him out of the car and refused to go back to sleep. This came back to bite us--he was a little bit bad at church tonight. It's never a good feeling when you pick up your kid and hear that he pulled a girl's hair. He apologized very sweetly and the teacher told us "he seems tired tonight". And we kept him out even later, going over to clean up a house for Mom and Dad, one that's coming out in an ad tomorrow for sale. He fell asleep in the car before we got a block away from it coming home. He finally got to his bed at 11:15. Too bad he can't sleep too late in the morning--we have a breakfast date with Granddaddy for his birthday.

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