We didn't get pounced on this morning until just after 9. Apparently, he was in full Halloween gross-out mode because he asked me a number of rather disgusting questions. "Mommy, can I pee-pee on you?" "EWWWWW--NO!" "Mommy, can I poop on you?" "GROSSSSSSS! NO WAY!" "Well, then, can I put earwax and boogers on you?" Again I answered in the negative. What on earth is he thinking?
Tomorrow will be a letdown for him after our month long Halloween celebration. We concluded it with a very fun evening at Dave's and Ellen's church festival. We have another bucketful of candy that Dennis won as prizes for the various carnival games he played tonight. He dunked a guy in a dunking tank, he threw bean bags, he threw darts at balloons, he almost bobbed for an apple, he played ladderball, and he got a bee painted on his hand. He and Chloe bounced in the inflatables for a long time, and when they were ready to go, Dave and I were stuck in the blood-mobile donating blood after having waited kind of a long time. So I handed off my handy-dandy iPhone to Ellen and the kids watched a Scooby Doo special on my Netflix app while they waited on us to finish. We concluded our evening with a last trick-or-treat at Gran's and Pop's house that lasted much longer than I intended because Dennis lost a boot somewhere in their house. They found it after we left. It's been a weekend of missing shoes--somewhere in the world, there's a lonely silver and lime green Nike, and I hope it finds its way home to me soon!
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