7:03 AM: Dennis pounces on our bed. "Can I snuggle with you? Will you fix my breakfast? Is it Halloween yet?"
8:28 AM: finally out the door to preschool. Forgot to buy Cheetos for today's party last night. David goes on emergency chip run, gets to school in time for parade.
8:50 AM: leave school with what felt like 750 3 year olds but was actually 4 classes of various ages on walking trick-or-treat parade through downtown Clanton. Got almost a grocery sack full of candy and lots of comments on the cute astronaut costume. Lost David to a Mommy with 3 year old and 1 year old who needed some help!
10:00 AM: Arrive back at preschool, join everyone in Activity Center for big party.
10:15 AM: watch 50 children high on cupcakes and candy create mayhem.
11:00 AM: leave preschool after wearing out some of sugar high on playground.
11:50 AM: pay power bill at Alabama Power, play in Water Course museum with Dennis--we have whole museum to ourselves.
12:30 PM: Dennis finds that his Netflix movie came when he checks the mail (Lego: the Adventures of Clutch Powers). Eats lunch while watching a movie starring Lego people.
2:20 PM: naptime!
4:00 PM: mix OxiClean in cup, attempt to scrub out purple icing stains from white astronaut suit.
4:40 PM: Dennis wakes up, catches me scrubbing space suit. "Can I eat some of my candy now?"
5:15 PM: "Can I get some water by myself?" "Sure." "This water is gross." Call Poison Control to inquire about dangers of drinking OxiClean. Give Dennis water, hope for no vomiting.
6:45 PM: string of phone calls, concluded abruptly when I hear the following: "I can't breathe through this nose (points to right nostril) because I got a piece of candy stuck in it". Attempt extraction of strawberry flavored Nerd from nostril with tweezers, push candy farther up. Ask Dennis to blow nose--Dennis sucks air into nose--explain better, then go to fetch tissue to wipe Nerd juice from face. While gone, hear "I GOT IT! I BLEW IT OUT!" and return to see offending Nerd stuck to chair. Answer return call from Poison Control, assure them Dennis is fine.
7:00 PM: Watch 'It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown'. Seasonal favorite!
8:00 PM: play Disney preschool learning games on computer. Watch Dennis work the touchpad mouse like a pro.
8:45 PM: assembling collection of Lego swords and knives by my computer. I think I'm about to have to participate in a miniature sword fight. Wonder how much longer til David gets home...
8:55 PM: remember to roll up car windows and return spare key to Blazer. Wonder where my keys are that I never found this morning...
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