Every month, I am subjected to the same curse as many female members of the population. Dear David (a well seasoned PMS veteran) sees to it that chocolate is readily available in the house during these times. This month, he brought Hershey's miniatures wrapped in foil the colors of autumn. See how fortunate I am? Tonight, I caught Dennis as he ran full steam ahead down the hallway with something shiny in his fist. He said "here, this is for you, Mommy" and handed me (oh joy!) a Special Dark bar. He took one into the library and dropped it delicately in front of David's computer and told David it was for him. Then he said "and this one is for me" as he quickly unwrapped and devoured the third bar. I thanked him and told him how thoughtful he was. He said "yes, I am the best chocolate deliverer ever." I have to agree. He asked "would you like another?" and I declined, so he said "well, okay, but I'm going to get one more for me and then the teapot will be empty." Horrified, I chased him to the kitchen and saw 3 discarded wrappers on the floor and 2 bars left in the (somewhat teapot-shaped) candy jar. Fearing a wild night of sugar-induced preschooler hysteria, I asked David if he remembered the approximate quantity of chocolate left before tonight. We think Dennis only had those 3 bars. We hope it was just those 3! And we hid the candy jar.
The picture shows him in the costume he wore to our church Fall Festival tonight, where he had a fabulous time according to his Daddy. I was in bed all day myself, nursing my cough and congestion, trying to keep it from turning into full-blown yuck. Dennis has only mild yuck himself, and David is still fine.
Dennis grabbed my Martha Stewart Living November issue from the bathroom (what? Isn't that where you keep yours?) and asked me what all it said. We talked about the different Thanksgiving recipes and he informed me that he would be cooking "Daddy Booger Pie with Snot" and that we would eat it all up. I can't wait.
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