A new holiday season is here! Thanks to Grandma's incredible sewing skills, we have a beautiful new November calendar in our house. It's like an Advent calendar, 30 pockets for the 30 days of the month. The premise is that we write something on a piece of paper each day, something we're thankful for, and put it in that day's pocket. Today Dennis said he was thankful for his Legos, so that's what we put in today's calendar pocket.
We had some projects to do today, the major one being a 'feather' that we had to decorate for preschool. Each family got a paper feather to cut out and decorate with things we are thankful for, and tomorrow all the feathers will be put on a turkey on the bulletin board in the hallway. Dennis painted our feather red (his favorite color) and we decorated it with a picture of us and various stickers and scrapbook things. Dennis is very proud of it and can't wait to take it to school tomorrow. The other thing was a nature walk to find 10 signs of autumn--an activity we had to do for his AWANA Cubbies class Wednesday night. We had a nice time playing outside and talking about fall. We pointed to different colors of leaves and crunched through the ones on the ground. Dennis said "and pine trees don't lose their leaves, right Mommy?". We also had to draw pictures representing the six days of creation, and Dennis did a nice job with that. He's getting pretty handy with a crayon these days! Question of the day: "Mommy, have you ever seen a parrot eating ice cream?".
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