Imagine Dennis' delight when the calendar revealed that today was Preschool Police Academy! I don't know what all they did, but he insisted on wearing his police jacket (from last year's Christmas). His teacher loved it. He was so proud and kept it on all day. When I saw him at the playground, he was running full tilt and yelled out to me in passing "hi, Mom, I'm catching bad guys!".
Dennis enjoyed a short visit to the library. I left him busily putting together puzzles in the children's section while I searched for some books, and pretty soon a little voice reached my ears, softly inquiring "Mommy, are you back here? I found two books for Uncle Denny!". I looked up to see that he'd found me and was carrying two Tonka truck books. He clarified "well, these are for Uncle Denny to read to me". And he did just that.
Tonight in the car, he delightedly pointed out Halloween decorations on the houses we passed. He asked if it was Halloween yet, and I asked him if he knew what day it was today. He said "it's October five" and I told him that Halloween is on October 31. I asked him if he wanted to go trick-or-treating on Halloween and he said "yes, and I want to go tonight, too" and I asked him if he remembered what to do. He said "you take a bucket and get candy" and I asked him if he remembered what to say. He considered this and said "ummm... Please may I have some candy?". Cute, and it would probably work well but I told him he could just say 'trick-or-treat'. Then I said "say trick-or-treat" and he said "silly Mom--it's not Halloween yet!".
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