It snowed all day long, and no one left the house except for a half hour where David and I took a snowy stroll around the complex. The lake that was all ice yesterday was coated with snow today and it wasn't even apparent that a lake is actually there. The trees are weighed down, the cars are covered, and very few folks are out walking. We kept Dennis inside all day, trying to make sure he's all better from his ear trouble. We'll most likely get him bundled up for some snow play tomorrow. It'll be a good day to build a snowman. Lots of material on hand!
Today he did a few amazing things. I was counting with him and counted 1-2-3-4-5 (while he just looked blankly at me) and then all of a sudden he shouted out "SIX!". I didn't know he knew this. And today we noticed that he seems to have figured out plurals. He says "car" for one car and "cars" for more than one, and the same thing with ears and toes and trucks. He's been 'reading' his new books over and over and having a wonderful time playing with the dishwasher box 'fort' we have set up. His Uncle Michael saved the giant box from the dishwasher installation for the kids to play in, and this morning David cut a door in it. Mom cut a peephole window that opens and closes and Dennis has enjoyed going in and out of the door and opening and closing both it and the peephole all day. I hate that he didn't get to visit with his cousins today, but it was really snowing too hard for either party to venture to the other dwelling. Maybe we can all see each other tomorrow.
We watched the weather report and it seems that it will snow almost every day for the remainder of our vacation. Upon hearing this, David glared at me darkly (like I caused it). He isn't snow's biggest fan, having seen much more of it in his lifetime than I have. He has enjoyed pelting me with a snowball or two, but fortunately I was carrying the camera and thus avoided a full-fledged snow assault. It's beautiful here, but I think we're all getting the beginnings of cabin fever. Dad watched NCIS all day long on the one television here and even David got fed up with it when he watched an episode that had already been on and that he had already watched TODAY. That's when we went for our walk.
Maybe tomorrow we'll be able to get out. Let's hope so!
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