Sunday, December 14, 2008

21 months old

I wish we could say we spent a wonderful day celebrating another month in the life of Dennis, but as we traveled for nearly 19 hours, wonderful isn't the adjective that comes to mind to describe today.

The Bad Stuff:
1. our route: Birmingham to Charlotte to San Francisco to Seattle. That's FOUR airports, THREE planes, TWO episodes of dashing through unfamiliar airports to make connections.
2. San Francisco. Land at one end of the airport. Connect at other end of the airport. Must leave and re-enter security checkpoint to get to other terminal. Must accomplish in less than 30 minutes after landing. And "no, we don't pre-board people traveling with small children." AND, we didn't get to eat anything or change Dennis' diaper OR go to the restroom after our 5 hour and 47 minute flight because we were running through the airport, through a deserted and unused ENTIRE TERMINAL to get to the far end of nowhere to catch a United flight.
3. U.S. Airways. Want a beverage on your 5 hour and 47 minute flight? Sure. That'll be $2.00 per water and per Coca-cola. Want a snack? That'll be $5.00 for some nuts, a small piece of cheese, a tiny amount of tuna salad to mix, 3 crackers, and one midget chocolate chip cookie--oh, and some strawberry applesauce that Dennis loved!
4. The oldest, crappiest, most run-down looking plane I have ever had the pleasure of flying on, one that we boarded while the attendant chased us down the gangplank telling us that we should check one of those bags we were carrying because she didn't let us pre-board and she feared there'd be no room in the overhead compartments, which there was plently of. (no thanks--it's our third flight, we're carrying the right amount of bags, and WE ARE NOT PAYING TO CHECK THIS BAG WHEN WE ARE THIS CLOSE)
5. Seattle! WE'VE FINALLY ARRIVED. Now we're stuck in the elevator and they've called the fire department to get us out because the elevator people can't be reached.
6. Yuck. at 30,000 feet we notice that the cold pack we had put in the cooler section of the diaper bag has ruptured and has leaked weird oozy stuff onto the contents of the diaper bag. The antibiotic is no longer ice cold (but Dad says it is still fine, thank goodness).

The Good Stuff:
1. The world's most well-behaved toddler, who did not cry or whine or thrash around (much) through three entire flights, even though he was woken from his sleep at 2:45 am and driven to the airport entirely against his will, and even though he didn't sleep but an hour on the planes (an hour TOTAL). People all over the U.S.A. complimented us on our sweet child today.
2. Charlotte, which was a very nice airport. We were able to purchase breakfast biscuits right beside our boarding gate.
3. San Francisco. As we were descending through the fog and rain, the clouds parted for a few seconds and David and I were able to catch our first ever glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge.
4. Snow on the Rockies! How GORGEOUS!
5. On time flights. All of them.
6. No delays at any security checkpoints--we breezed right through!
7. Free beverages on United--our last flight--couldn't have come at a better time, when we were tired, hot, grouchy, hungry... And they had JUICE!
8. The M&M's we bought 'just in case' restored all of our moods at a crucial time.
9. The elevator door magically opened after a few minutes. The fire department wasn't required.
10. Snow in Seattle, snow in Bellingham. Beautiful. Icy and treacherous a bit, but beautiful.
11. Toy trucks in Gran's place in Washington that Dennis discovered after he FINALLY had his meltdown after the shuttle ride (2.5 hours) from Seattle to Bellingham, when he had to wake up to put on the dreaded Big Coat and get out into the very cold night. He calmed down once he got into his carseat in Michael's van, and he smiled again when he found those trucks.
12. Thomas the Train. And escalators. This is how we kept him amused waiting for the shuttle ride. Playing with train engines on a cafe table after we took turns riding the escalators up and down with him--he actually sat and calmly played and was very happy about it.
13. Dinner thanks to Kristin! We got to eat it upon our arrival. We are unloaded and warm and full and there were much needed cold Coca-colas in the fridge. And Kristin and Michael even thoughtfully provided chocolate. We might find ourselves restored by tomorrow!

It could have been SO MUCH WORSE! Thank you, God, for our safe arrival and for our wonderful child who behaved so sweetly for so long on so little sleep. We are so blessed.

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