We tried to squeeze as much enjoyment as possible out of today, but first there were necessary errands before all parties could meet and play. We enjoyed a few fun hours at the Carroccinos' place, watching the children play together. Dennis and Mirella had their own tea party which was adorable until it turned into major table shoving (just to hear the sound of wooden table legs scraping the floor, I'm sure, much to the delight of the downstairs neighbors). David played favorite uncle today as he read book after book to Mirella and Caedmon. Mirella spied him stretched out on their bedroom floor taking a nap and pounced, and he happily read them stories.
We attempted the always difficult photo of all three children together, and once again did not manage to catch all three smiling at the same time. Too soon it was naptime and then time for them to head to Michael's employer's Christmas dinner party. We went back to the mall (having attempted a Santa photo earlier only to find Santa going on break) tonight and arrived in time to wait a half hour for Santa, but we got a cute photo of Dennis with him. Santa was wearing a shirt with Thomas the Train and most of his fellow engines on it, and Dennis was delighted to sit in his lap and talk 'train'.
We left the mall and braved the snowy roads in order to check out a neighborhood dressed to the nines in Christmas lights, almost worthy of redneck notoriety but somehow much more tasteful. The deep snow clearly differentiated it as a non-Southern neighborhood. The combination of snow and lights was quite beautiful and Dennis was enchanted by it as he gazed out the windows. When we made the turn out of the neighborhood, he fell asleep in his carseat. It was a big day for him.
Earlier today, Kristin asked me if Dennis was teething. I hadn't really considered it, but now I think he may be. He's had enough dirty diapers in the past 2 days to indicate that something is clearly up, and tonight he's grouchy and irritable and drooling like a fountain. I think that he's decided to teethe just in time to be miserable on the flights home tomorrow. Teething, a little congestion, a little cough... I sincerely hope he'll feel okay. I can certainly medicate him to the best of my ability with what we have on hand for him.
Traditionally, Christmas Eve has been my favorite day of the year. I'm hoping tomorrow doesn't mar that record. We're prayerfully hopeful that our first flight will leave on time to get us to the second flight, and we're hoping the second flight gets us to Birmingham tomorrow night. We're supposed to land around 10:30 our time. God willing, we'll be in our beds tomorrow night, waiting til the morning so that Dennis can see what Santa brought for him. I'm hoping for a wonderful Christmas. We'll have our Bible with us on the planes tomorrow and will read the Christmas story again to Dennis. And pretty soon he'll be home to play with his nativity set, which we will keep out for him at least until Epiphany/Three Kings Day. I bet he'll be excited to see his favorite characters again.
We've never traveled this far at Christmas before. We'll be joining lots of travelers, some that have been stranded for a good while. I will be praying for smooth travel for those people as well as ourselves tomorrow, for safe journeys for all, and to be home for Christmas. What a blessing that will be. I'm usually so sad to leave a vacation, and I will miss my brother and his family very much, but I admit to longing for home and the opportunity to heal from our illnesses that have just dragged on and worsened. I love that I got to experience a real winter snowstorm and see the beauty of the snow on these giant evergreen trees--I just wish I had been well enough to enjoy more time out in the snow. Tonight Mom and I made snow angels in the front yard, and we loved it. The snow just wasn't right for a snowman--it wouldn't pack down. We didn't snowshoe this trip, but we tromped through deep snow here in the community. We didn't sled, but Dennis did. We have some wonderful memories to take home, and maybe we'll get to come back for another winter trip here, one where everyone is healthy enough to enjoy a good snowball fight. But we spent time together, and that time is priceless. We were so fortunate to be able to come here, and we are very thankful.
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