I began decorating for Christmas today. I had hoped to get farther than I did! The wreaths are up on the windows, the stockings are hung, the nativity sets are assembled. The artificial tree is even put together. The poor tree is 14 years old and was the bottom of the line artificial Christmas tree when we bought it then. This year as I was fluffing the boughs, several pine twigs (branches?) fell off into my hands. Dennis pulled one off as well. He was very excited about the assembly of the tree. He danced around me, chanting "Cree!" over and over. I suppose this is a shortened version of the phrase Christmas Tree.
I wanted to get the tree decorated, but I didn't get all the necessary boxes out of the storage building. I got what I thought I needed, but the lights weren't in those boxes! I was trying not to drag out everything because we aren't going to be around for almost half of the Christmas season, and I didn't think it would be wise to go all out for just 2 weeks of enjoyment. But I will probably end up doing it anyway. Already in my head, I'm practicing the mantra "Leave the ornaments on the tree, Dennis".
Dennis was a bit puny this morning and whined more than usual, but he recovered nicely after his nap and was his energetic and into-everything self tonight, which was especially helpful as I assembled the tree. Dennis does have a bit of a cough but no fever or other symptoms. He slept with us last night since I was worried about him, but he is pretty much fine. He slept well and let us sleep well. I wonder how much help he'll be while I finish the decorating tomorrow.
We're back to nativity adventures: tonight I put batteries in the stable building, and we've now heard the Fisher Price instrumental version of Away in a Manger dozens and dozens of times. He likes that the star lights up, and he dances whenever the song plays, which happens whenever he pushes the button on the top (and he knows this well already). Caspar the Wise Man was found today under the ottoman. The other Wise Men were happy to see him after a 5 day absence.
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