Our first Amtrak experience was a bust. We arrived at the train station after getting up way too early only to find ourselves waiting and waiting and waiting. They finally announced problems with ice that were delaying the train. So we went inside to wait in the warmth. An hour later (an hour after our departure time), they announced that mechanical problems were cancelling the train to Seattle. Many travelers had to ride buses instead and now we have Amtrak tickets that we can use anytime for a year. We could try to go Monday, but the weather in Seattle will be rainy and cold with sleet, and we'll be walking around.
Since the train station is in Fairhaven, we spent the morning hanging out at Village Books, eating brunch at the Colophon Cafe and visiting a high end toy store (the kind with Plan Toys and other wonderful and beautiful and environmentally friendly toys that we would love to be able to afford to buy for Dennis but can't). Gran and Pop went to see a doctor and got antibiotics and cough medicine and we came back to their place to nap. Tonight Michael and Kristin cooked an awesome supper for us at their home and we enjoyed watching the kids play together. Dennis fell in love with their toys, most especially Caedmon's Thomas trains, Mirella's doll stroller, and the big wooden dollhouse and furniture. He played nice with Willow the cat, thank goodness. All three children sat nicely together on the couch to watch a Thomas the Train movie, and then all too soon it was time for bed. It was a fun day in Bellingham instead of a fun day in Seattle, but I don't think any of us are that disappointed. I do hate that the boys didn't get their train ride, but they will get to do it sometime in the future! And they are probably a little young to realize that they missed it at any rate. Dennis did keep mentioning "train" after we left the station, but then he played with some at the toy store and he saw a cargo train go by on the tracks near the bay, so I think he was happy.
It looks like everyone is turning in early tonight, and I probably will as well. Cold weather takes a whole lot out of us warm-blooded Alabamians!
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