Tuesday, November 25, 2008

train enthusiast

I took Dennis over for another visit to Gran and Pop so I could get some painting done. He was very excited to go, and he ran up their front walk and rang the doorbell a few times. Then he actually knocked on the door, which I had never seen him do before. Funny how they will pick up so many mannerisms that you never realized you were teaching them (scary, too). As soon as they opened the door, he started saying "train". They explained that he had played with a train there the last time he visited, and he remembered right where it was and went right to it.

I snuck out to go back home and work, and later, when I was on my way to the gym, I got a phone call that Dennis might have eaten some fuses. I never did understand if they were automotive fuses or Christmas tree light fuses or what. Mom said they were tiny, and she didn't see any in his mouth, but he had brought her the box and there were four missing and he was sucking on the end of one of them. Dad wasn't concerned since they didn't have any sharp edges. I told her to call David because I wasn't sure what to do myself. Not too long ago we spent many hours at the ER because we thought he had swallowed a paper clip. These days, he mostly brings me tiny things that he knows he shouldn't eat, saying "thank you" as he hands it to me! (he loves to do this with coins) Mom called David who asked if it was a package of eight fuses with four missing, and she confirmed that it was. He was the one who had removed them, so apparently Dennis didn't eat any of them, thank goodness!

Tonight's nativity report: Mary went missing and was found later on a journey with one of the wise men. The black sheep has abdicated from the farm playset and has now joined the nativity characters. We returned him to the farm several times, but Dennis keeps bringing him back to the nativity set. He doesn't really belong to either set since I bought him separately, and wherever Dennis wants him is fine with us (as long as it isn't the toilet).

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