Mom and I traded off workout times today. I brought Dennis up to the gym while she was finishing her workout, and she took him shopping at the flea market next door while I worked out. She brought him back over to the gym as I was finishing up and she told me how tired he was and that he was probably ready for a nap. It was lunchtime and we were down to a crucial number of diapers, so despite his exhaustion, we had to do the Wal-Mart run. Poor little guy. He was so sleepy that he laid his head down on Froggy (who was on the handle of the shopping cart) for the ride through the parking lot into the store. He cried when I got him out of his car seat to go in. I felt just awful but needed to run the errand while I was out (lest the unthinkable happen and we run out of diapers).
He whined a bit and then laid his head down on my arm as I pushed the cart to the back of the store where a McDonald's is located. Dennis just looked a bit glazed as I placed our order, but once we were seated and he saw his milk and hamburger and apple slices, he was one happy toddler. He smiled and laughed through his lunch, taking nearly 40 minutes to eat it. I would think he was finished and would start to take the tray away and he'd quickly grab handfuls of food and start stuffing his mouth. I finally convinced him to take his time after the third attempt to remove the tray. I had to wait until he physically pushed it away. At that point, he'd eaten all the meat from his burger (pseudo-beef?), all his apple slices, and half the hamburger bun, and he'd finished his drink. And he very happily played with the talking hippo toy that came with the meal.
He got a little fussy again as I shopped. I told him we were there for diapers and he got rather upset at me when I detoured through the window treatments. He was fine once I got back on track and went to the diaper section. And he was pretty sweet when I decided to get the disposable dinnerware for Thanksgiving. I know I'm trying to be greener, but I just can't see myself washing dishes after 24 people eat a meal and dessert. I'm going to toss it all. And I didn't even buy recycled this time (scandalous) because I don't know where to get it here, and my budget was $20 for diapers, napkins, plates, cups, dessert plates, and eating utensils. I accomplished my task under budget, loaded Dennis, Froggy, and the groceries into the car, and before I left the parking lot, he was asleep.
He took a two hour nap! And then he got up and helped me do the housework. I was baking pear cakes today at the same time I was cooking dinner (NOT easy), and he kept running into the kitchen to grab my legs and then butt his head against them. He climbed up in the chairs to sit at all the tables today. I guess he's previewing everyone's dining experience beforehand, giving me his expert opinion on how to set up for Thanksgiving.
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