As usual, the night before he turns another month old, I find myself consulting the upcoming milestones to see if he's on track. He always is. This time it said he might even be able to build a tower of 6 cubes, and this is a skill I haven't seen. We've seen him do 5 blocks, but that's it. So tonight, as we were killing time in that last hour before bedtime playing with him and his toys, he found his box of big wooden alphabet blocks (a great gift from Gaynell and Jim King). He dumped them out and began maniacally stacking towers with a skill and speed we'd had yet to see. Pretty immediately we noticed a few towers of 8 blocks. I guess he's been reading the milestone charts behind our backs... I wonder if he's been working on washing and drying his hands and kicking a ball and putting on clothes, as those are coming up in the next few months.
He's coming down with something. I was afraid he might be, but hoped the general crankiness might be due to teething. But he's suffering fever and he's tired, and his nose has been runny for a week. We're considering calling the doctor, but it's a low fever thus far, not enough to worry about. It's probably just a cold. I hope it runs its course quickly.
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