Today was a good day. Despite yesterday's big drama, Dennis seems to feel pretty good. The house was filled with the sounds of happy baby chatter and delighted screeches, gleeful shouts of discovery emanating from his room on a regular basis as he undid the good cleaning we accomplished in there yesterday. He is reunited with all his toys and has them arranged to his liking (scattered across the floor where he cannot walk without stepping on something and then saying "uh-oh").
He attempted sentences today. One actual word in a sea of gibberish, spoken with authority and accompanied by a waving finger and a tap of his foot. He was so serious that I just agreed with him (so I may have inadvertently promised him a car on his 2nd birthday). I'm just glad he's feeling better. He was happier today than he's been in a week, despite yucky antibiotic-related diaper rash rearing its ugly head (or butt, as it were).
My day was somewhat lessened in joy by the fact that I seem to be coming down with Something Yucky myself (not diaper area related). David took one look at me this morning and told me to go back to bed and stay there and he'd provide meal service. I dreamed of this kind of day, but not when I still have so much to do to get the house ready. And I stayed away from the mirror, since I must have looked completely dreadful to warrant such fabulous treatment. Dennis came to the door of our bedroom and I heard him whispering, so I came out from under the covers and he delightedly ran to the bed for a cuddle. Goodness I love that little guy! Maybe we'll both be feeling great tomorrow.
David has reminded me to report that Dennis has started 'reading' aloud along with us, chanting random syllables as we read the words on the pages of his favorite books. He talks along with us and seems to know when to stop talking and turn the page. I feel a big language breakthrough coming on, and I can't wait! I wonder what he'll be telling us at Christmas time. And I wonder how I'll feel when he starts telling me "no". They really do grow up too fast.
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